

发布日期:2024-08-26    浏览次数:

研通知[2024] 52



Teaching Arrangement Notice for Postgraduates in Fall Semester 2024 of Beijing University of Technology (BJUT)


To all colleges (faculties), graduate teachers and postgraduates:


Hello, BJUTer. The teaching arrangement notice for postgraduates in Fall Semester 2024 is hereby notified as follows. Please read it carefully and finish them in the specific time.


I. The Overall Arrangement of Postgraduate Course Teaching


1. Opening time of postgraduate courses


For full-time postgraduates of 2024 enrollment, the classes will start from September 9th (2nd teaching week).


For part-time postgraduates of 2024 enrollment, the classes will start from September 14th (the weekend of teaching week 2). In case of holidays, the class time shall be subject to the notice issued by the school.


Graduate teachers and postgraduates must participate in the course teaching in strict accordance with the schedules. See Annex 1 for the academic calendar and class schedule of this semester.


2. Implementation of teaching arrangements for postgraduate courses


The graduate school takes the lead in completing the teaching organization and implementation of Common Required Courses; Each college (faculty) shall take the lead in completing the teaching organization and implementation of “Specialized Courses.


II. Formulation of Postgraduate Training Plan and Course Selection Arrangement


1. Training plan formulation and course selection objects


Under the guidance of your supervisor, postgraduates of 2024 enrollment must follow the requirements of the 2024 edition of the postgraduate training program (see Annex 4 for the international postgraduate training program). The supervisor and graduate students jointly formulate the training plan through online or offline methods, and complete the course selection within the specified time through the graduate management information system (GMIS).


Postgraduates who have not completed the training plan in 2023 and previous years must complete the course selection within the specified time through the GMIS.


2. Training plan formulation and online course selection process


Postgraduates log in the GMIS and complete the two processes including training plan formulation and online course selection, respectively, within the specified time according to the requirements of the training plan.


Training plan formulation and course selection website: http://webrecdoc.bjut.edu.cn/pyxx/login.aspx (student side), the users name is the student number (the first letter shall be capitalized), the initial password for international graduate students is the passport number (all letters shall be capitalized). Please change your password as soon as possible after logging in. If the password is wrong or forgotten, please contact the graduate secretary of your college (faculty).


See Annex 5 and Annex 6 for the specific processes of postgraduate training plan formulation and online course selection. You can seek the guidance of your supervisor.


3. Time Schedule


The GMIS will be opened at 8:00 on August 28th and closed at 17:00 on September 6th. After the system is closed, making online training plans and selecting courses will be impossible.


4. Course Selection and Some Notes


All kinds of courses in the training program except the Common Required Courses must be determined and selected . (the Common Required Courses for international graduate students include A Survey of China, Comprehensive Chinese, etc.).


See Annex 5 for the course selection process, cross-professional course selection operation guidance, and matters needing attention in course selection and teaching arrangement of public courses for graduate students in this semester. You can seek the guidance of your supervisor.


III. Submission of Graduate Course Transcript


Graduate teachers must submit their results through GMIS in time, and graduate students should check their results online in time. If you have any questions, please contact the teachers or colleges (faculties) as soon as possible.


The final deadline for grade entry in GMIS for 2023-2024 academic year is August 31.


. Other issues


1. If there are any problems in teaching arrangements of colleges (faculties), please dont hesitate to contact the graduate school in time.


2. If the above arrangements are adjusted, they will be notified separately. Please feel free to pay attention to the email, WeChat group and intranet comprehensive service portal.


3. For supervisor, training secretary, and internationalization secretary, you should collaborate with each other to provide guidance in effectively selecting courses for postgraduates.

4. 中英内容不一致的地方,以中文为准。

4. In case any discrepancy arises between the English translation and the original Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.


. Contact information



Name: Xudong Bi

Phone: 67396079

Email: bixd73@bjut.edu.cn

研究生院/Graduate School of BJUT

 2024826/August 26, 2024

Annex 1. Academic Calendar and Class Schedule for Fall Semester 2024

Annex 2. Training Plan for Graduate Students with Academic Degrees in 2024

Annex 3. Training Plan for Graduate Students with Professional Degrees in 2024

Annex 4. International Postgraduate Training Program for Class 2024

Annex 5. Course Selection Guide for 2024 Graduate Students

Annex 6. GMIS System Student Operation Manual-Training Plan Entry and Course Selection

Annex 7. Operation Guide of Network Teaching Platform